Thursday, January 20, 2011

Caribou Coffee's "Hot 'n wholesome"

For those of you who take the bus, you know how awful it can be standing around in the cold hoping it'll be on time. Well Colle+McVoy have bus riders in Minneapolis covered.

This awesome outdoor ad for hot food from Caribou Coffee turns bus shelters into ovens, with everything from the time to the turn dials to actual working heaters.

(Picture via Colle+McVoy)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mini Hearing Aid's "Said ___, Heard ___"

So this is a pretty cute campaign idea by Monday in Bangkok for Mini's hearing aids.

The first features a duck, then all the things the word duck could be confused with. The second is the same but with a dog. The headlines are "Said 'duck.' Heard 'duck.'" and "Said 'dog.' Heard 'dog.'"

It's kind of fun to figure out what each picture is. Good concept and interesting art direction. Click to see them larger.

Photos via Ads of the World

Oliver Jewellery's "Cash Man"

Any Toronto-nians out there will likely know what I mean when I say I want to change the channel every time an Oliver Jewellery commercial comes on the air.

Well this one has been around since 2008, and it defines the ugly of advertising.

Oliver is the "cash man" and he'll "give you money for your gold, oh yeah." Or at least that's what he sings while he dances around with four girls that I hope didn't include this on their resume.

It's got 122,117 views on YouTube (as of 10:08EST on 1/11/11) - but is this because it's a total joke of an ad? Probably. Will it get him much business? Probably not.

Android's "Wake Up"

Hey iPhone users. 

Remember on January 1st and 2nd when the iPhone alarm glitched? Your alarm didn't go off, you were late, and it sucked?

Well Android has a print ad response to that, done by McCann Istanbul.

I adore the simplicity of this ad. And it's pretty clear who it's targeted to. "Wake up. Android. Created and shared by Google."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Getty Images' "Feed Your Imagination"

Back in about 2000, I used Getty Images for pretty much every project. But to be honest, and we all know I'm pretty honest here, I'd completely forgotten about Getty until I saw these spots by Shalmor Avnon Amichay Y&R Interactive.

These 3 television spots are pretty great - they're visually appealing, creative and whimsical.. and I think you should check them out.

SAA/Y&R animates buildings turning into dinosaurs, roses turning into bridges, jellyfish turning into oranges and more -- then shows you what images from Getty Images made these animations. The headline? "Feed your imagination."

Nicely done.

Dante's Inferno "To Hell and Back"

So we all know, or have at least heard of, Dante's Inferno, the story of Dante and his guide Virgil and their journey through the nine circles of hell. Well of course a video game company had to bank on this right? And so we get EA's game Dante's Inferno, which had quite the ad campaign over the last little while. Rather than reiterate what AdFreak has touched on so well, I think you should check out their article for more information on the game and the campaign, which - if you love advertising - is quite interesting!:

AdFreak: To hell and back: EA's guerrilla marketing campaign for 'Dante's Inferno'