Sunday, December 20, 2009

Target Holiday 2009 Campaign

Now don't get me wrong, Wieden + Kennedy Portland have got some great ads out there (LOVE The Levi's "Go Forth" campaign - commercial here), but I have to say, I'm not a fan of their Target ads. Their new holiday campaign has two commercials in particular that I'm thinking of. The first features a family on Christmas morning. The mother opens up a big screen tv, and she and the father bicker about how Santa should have realized they were in a recession. The second is a couple at a restaurant exchanging gifts. The girl opens her box to find a necklace, and says that she didn't think they were really "there yet." He says it didn't cost that much.

The point? Buying at Target isn't all that expensive. Effective? Not for me.

Of course, I've always been a big fan of Peterson Milla Hooks' Target ads. I think that their Target commercials were not only extremely visually appealing but also postmodern... and I love postmodern. They'd sell me some cheap clothes and makeup over a bickering family or an awkward couple any day.

The videos have been removed from Youtube, but can be found here:

And just because I love them so:
Peterson Milla Hooks' Target ad 1
Peterson Milla Hooks' Target ad 2

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