I have to throw out a thank you to my friend Eric for bringing this commercial to my attention, because now I just can't get enough of it. This Old Spice spot by... get this... Wieden + Kennedy Portland (again! Shocker. They're everywhere), and featuring gorgeous actor Isaiah Mustafa first aired on Youtube on February 4. In this spot, the "man your man could smell like" (who may be giving the Most Interesting Man in the World a run for his money) tells you to look at your man, then back to him, back to your man, and back to him again. He tells you to look away while the scene changes to the beach, and suddenly he has tickets to "that thing you love" and then those tickets turn into diamonds. Oh but that's not all.... he's on a horse. What's so great about this commercial? It's different.... Really different. What else is great about it? It was done in one shot - sure, it took 3 days, and the final version didn't come out until the 57th take of the third day, but it was worth it.
By the way - if you have 20 extra minutes, the making of video with creatives Craig Allen and Eric Kallman is seriously interesting.
Love this ad!!!!